Thursday, 24 November 2011

Up to Date Prezi

This prezi now includes pictures of my locations and a brief description

Monday, 14 November 2011

Shooting Script

0.0 - 0.05              Boy on laptop, medium close-up of him, as the music starts the camera cut to the laptop screen to show YouTube video playing
0.6 – 0.22             YouTube video plays, then camera cuts to a close-up of the boy’s face as the lyrics say ‘you with the sad eyes’
0.23 – 0.29           Close-up of the boy cuts back to the laptop
0.30 – 0.37           Boy walks over to the window, looks out at people talking and laughing
0.38 – 0.45           Zoom in on boy’s sad face, zoom out to show room with laptop on the bed
0.46 – 1.01           Fade in to his eye with him slowly blinking
1.02 – 1.10           Fade/dissolves into rainbow (picture)
1.11 – 1.31           Dissolve into singer in bedroom doorway, singing
1.32 – 1.39           zooms out to over the shoulder shot of boy looking through pictures of him smiling etc, still with singer singing in background
1.40 – 1.48           Singer slowly walking over to the bed
1.49 – 1.53           on the phone, as camera pans out to show full room, with bed and singer in centre
1.54 – 2.02           fade into singer slowly walking through the trees
2.03 – 2.11           Zoom in of singers face, cuts to..
2.12 – 2.19           Wide angle to show of her walking through trees
2.20 – 2.30           Fade/dissolve into a large picture of a rainbow fade into..
2.31 – 2.51           birds-eye-view shot of bed and laptop, shows YouTube video playing
2.52 – 3.45           slowly dissolves into ‘full screen mode’ to show the rest of the video, until lyrics ‘like a rainbow’
3.46 – 3.57           dissolves into final picture of a rainbow
3.58 – 4.00           fades into a bright light to end the video

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Cast's Costumes

Hannah will be wearing a pretty colourful dress for  the majority of the video, however when it is the walking through the trees shot, she will be wearing a white floaty dress, so she looks innocent in the moonlight (as I am shooting it around 4 - 5pm so it is just getting dark, so the moon is out).

Liam will just be wearing casual jeans and a blue t-shirt, as I want it to be an underlying message that he is sad, as the blue connotes sadness, and also because the shots will be in black and white, so the blue t-shirt will come out lighter that the jeans.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

shooting schedule

Dates to be decided as of yet, waiting for date confirmation with cast.
However, I plan to film the artist performance first that will appear as a youtube video, then followed by the narrative.

Updated on 5/12/11
I had arranged to film on thursday 1st december, however had complications with the camera, so went to film on saturday 3rd december, but due to the rain I couldn't film, as it was outside shooting.
I have booked a camera again for thursday and plan to film the performance parts of the music video, shot in the woods and hessle foreshore